11 Reasons Why Ezoic Continues To Impress

If there is a single good comprehensive WordPress publishing solution for advertising profits, I believe that can be Ezoic.

Good Passive

It has been a while since I have been with Ezoic and based on personal experience and what I have been reading from WordPress publishing experts, I think it is the right choice.

11 reasons why Ezoic continues to impress

  1. Revenue earnings can be better
  2. Increase traffic
  3. Free WordPress hosting
  4. Cloudflare CDN integration
  5. Free SSL/HTTPS
  6. Customizable ads placement
  7. Leap optimization and caching for site speed
  8. Free ads publisher account with no minimum traffic
  9. Enable cookies consent for GDPR and CCPA
  10. Videos monetization
  11. Clear reports
Ezoic Dashboard Menu

Ezoic has quite a number of features within each tab above.

Revenue earnings can be better than some

For example, it can be more than 2X of what Adsense is paying. To learn more about ads revenue from Ezoic, here is a case study on Ezoic with a personal blog. The beauty of Ezoic revenue is the stability of daily earnings reflected in the dashboard with respective daily views. The revenue is consistently high and does not undergo extreme fluctuations. Moreover, with the ads testing feature enabled, the Ezoic system automatically tests for better ads performance returns.

The earnings may be exponentially higher for larger traffic. Nevertheless, a 100 pageviews daily traffic can still yield monthly earnings of more than 20USD.

Increase traffic

Although it is not a magical rocket rise, It does feel there is an increase in site traffic based on my past experience. Another personal blogger mentioned in Why, What & How To Blog Profitably (With 2 Case Studies) also reported that.

It can be a big deal if your website traffic has over a million views every month. Ezoic releases these figures for how some new sites’ traffic and revenue grew here. Site owners with Ezoic may evaluate if that is the case by comparing if their site views are higher than previous in the Google Analytics views.

From the Ezoic report, traffic has exploded by 45 percent for one site and 419 percent for another.

Site traffic and revenue increased with Ezoic

Free WordPress Hosting

Please refer to this post for more information: How To Migrate & Host WordPress On Ezoic (Free & Easy).

Ezoic hosting

Cloudflare CDN Integration

Ezoic is a certified Cloudflare partner. Why use Cloudflare? It can mitigate some security risks such as DDoS attacks and enable caching for a faster browsing experience. Ezoic can integrate with Cloudflare seamlessly straight from the start. Based on experience, just stick to one cache or CDN solution to avoid unexpected conflicts that may affect the site display outlook

You can access it from the Ezoic dashboard->Settings-> Cloudflare

Using Ezoic with Cloudflare

Please refer here to the Ezoic article on how to integrate with Ezoic using Cloudflare.


I had to pay for a lifetime SSL for my domains on a previous hosting. But it is free with Ezoic.

Free SSL on Ezoic

Customizable ads placement

Ads location can be customized with Ezoic’s Chrome extension. A video tutorial is also included in this Ezoic article.

Ezoic’s Chrome extension

Leap Optimization and caching for site speed

Ezoic can help to optimize our sites. For example, Leap can advise what plugins are significantly decreasing our site performance and offer alternatives. Ezoic also offers its own cloud caching, just enable it with a click. We can also clear or purge cache if we need to troubleshoot or refresh content.

Leap Optimization
Ezoic Cloud Caching

Leap optimization is for improving the performance and speed of your site.

It takes a leap of faith and some hours or a couple of days for optimization to settle down. While one of the site’s mobile scores improved by about 40 percent, the desktop Pagespeed insight score shot up to 97/98 percent initially. With over 50 posts there, I do not remember having such a recent high score, though it dropped to over 80 after some months.

Free Ads publisher Account With No Minimum Traffic

Ezoic used to have a minimum number of views for approval. But that has changed. As long as publishers adhere to Ezoic and Adsense policies, we can start applying to Ezoic for access.

Enable cookies consent for GDPR and CCPA

We can easily enable CCPA and GDPR cookies from Ezoic Dashboard-> Privacy-> Consent Management.

Ezoic CCPA GDPR Cookies

Videos monetization

Ezoic removes the need for high YouTube requirements for monetization. That means Ezoic can host and monetize your videos without YouTube. What about your existing YouTube videos or if you want your videos on both sites? You can choose to either upload or import from your linked-YouTube account videos. This is one way I know non-professionals with lower videos views or subscribers may start monetizing without YouTube.

Access them from Ezoic Dashboard-> Videos.

Ezoic Video Platform

Clear reports

Ezoic reports are clear in presentation and the breakdowns can be useful to understand more about the traffic. The main page will show day-to-day traffic and earnings views. If you click the earnings report, you will see the average EPMV.

More reports can be viewed from Ezoic Dashboard-> Analytics.

Ezoic Mainpage


I thought Ezoic was just an ads network solution. Little did I know it can be so much more than that. Please bear in mind that Ezoic may not be perfect, but what it offers as a whole package for WordPress users, I have yet to find better. Like Medium (which has some requirements), Ezoic is a good choice for ads profits even for starting (probably not completely new sites) individual bloggers.

Ezoic is a powerful WordPress solution unlike any other I have seen. Most plugins or services will only oversee one aspect or need. Ezoic, on the other hand, handles numerous key components and performs well above average in my experience. Ezoic technical team deserves to be complimented for their programming prowess.

Be wholesome.

More or related information

What if I want to earn more with Ezoic?

If your site is earning well with Ezoic, there is even an option to go premium and earn more. The extra profits should offset the premium fees from what I gathered.

What if I want to keep my Adsense account active but mainly earn with Ezoic?

A neat trick I read is to set the ads shown by Ezoic to 99 percent. This is will keep minimal views on Adsense to keep it alive. Adsense may deactivate after six months of inactivity.

Why does my site layout look messed up or broken when using the Ezoic Chrome extension?

It may take minutes or more for the site to update properly. Or you may clear the cache to see if it works.

How to get paid by Ezoic?

Navigate to Profile-> Payment and Charges-> Payment settings. A payment threshold amount can be set (the minimum is $20). There are 4 ways we can receive payments from Ezoic:

  1. Paypal
  2. Payoneer
  3. Check (the USA and Canada only)
  4. Wise is the latest addtion.
Ezoic Payment Settings
4 ways to be paid by Ezoic

How to contact Ezoic?

They have a Twist app (go for the mobile app) where users can reach helpful Ezoic staff. It took me quite a while of navigating the help pages before realizing this.

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